Try Pickware for Shopware 5

Take a look at our demoshop and try all functions in our test environment. Through the Shopware Store, you can also test all products directly in your online shop 30 days for free.

Pickware ERP

Try our ERP system, which is the foundation for Pickware WMS and POS, in our demoshop. There is no installation required, so you can explore all the processes and features conveniently.

Pickware WMS

With the two Pickware WMS apps for warehousing and shipping and our demoshop, you can test practical processes such as order picking or stocktaking.

Pickware POS

With the Pickware POS App, our solution for a fully integrated cash register and the demoshop, you can practice sales processes.

More modules

To expand Pickware, you have a wide selection of helpful modules at your disposal. These include shipping adapters, a DATEV interface, automatic bank reconciliation, set lists, gift vouchers and many more.